Saturday, August 31


I realized it has been about 3 years since posting anything. Even my husband asked me today what happened to my blog.

Life happened.

Here is the abridged version of the past 1000 days:

  • Mom died. Sad. 
  • Took leave from work. 
  • Returned to work. 
  • Left that job for another. 
  • Best friend asked us to be foster parents and hopefully adoptive parents to a 3.5 year old boy. We said yes. Here enters Little Man. 
  • Moved to 100 year old home closer to Little Man's extended. 
  • Worked more. 
  • Lost 65lbs on diet. 
  • Found out step-Mom has cancer. Sad. 
  • Got pregnant. Happy. 
  • Went to Mexico. 
  • Gained back much of lost weight as baby grew. 
  • Awaiting word on if we can adopt Little Man. 
  • Awaiting arrival of baby. 
I'm about to head off on a one year mat leave and I figure this will be a good chance to pick this up again. 

See you soon. 

Monday, November 8

So much depends upon

The fall is my busy season at work. And by busy, I mean crazy and flat out. I have a staff of 5 for 4 months and I (along with my colleagues) try to maintain what we call "game face"- the appearance that all is well regardless of the level of fundraising crisis we are now face to face with. So we call the fall- "campaign". And campaign is always busy, the time when all the planning we have done comes to fruition in a maddening pace. 

Combine campaign with family crisis and you gave the reason for a long absence on the blog. 

My mother has been battling metastasized breast cancer for the last 2 years. And one month ago we found out the cancer had spread to her brain and her bones. A sad shock to say the least. So I took a week off to be with my mom as she dealt with the news and as she prepped or surgery. 

That meant taking a week off the week of campaign, leaving the chaos in the hands of my generous coworkers. God bless their support. 

In the end, Mom made it through brain surgery and is recovering well. She is back to driving us all crazy, which means we have reached the realm of normal.  She starts radiation and restarts chemotherapy soon. 

While I may sound cavalier about it, I cope with it as rationalizing it as the new normal. Every time we meet with a new low in the cancer experience, I am able to deal with it (as a mere supporter) as understanding it as the new level of cancer normalcy. 

So this fall has been chaotic. And beyond my best friend and husband, who are both equally understanding and amazing, I seem to go back to one place to keep me sane: "The Red Wheelbarrow." 

This poem grounds me; it reminds me to focus on the basics, because that it what is important. I have stopped and gone back to this poem more times that I can count in the last month, and I am sure I will keep going back many times in the future. 

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

Wednesday, August 25

1461 Days

I married the most amazing man 4 years ago today. 

I cannot express how lucky I am to have him in my life.  He is strong, firm in his morals, compassionate, and always makes me smile.  In the six plus years we have been together, we continue to love more, grow together, and learn more about ourselves, eachother and the world around us.  Communicating is easy and sharing our lives is a happy journey.

I am thankful to have him in my life.  He makes me a better person everyday.


I have to say that in writing for this blog, I am learning more about myself and seeing areas in my life that I need to develop further.  In reflecting on the post I recently put up about friendship, I realized that I was wrong.  Dead wrong.  In reflecting and re-reading, I sounded a little bit like a douchebag. 

I had noted that I was essentially OK with sacrificing one specific friendship if it meant that I could maintain another one.  Upon reflection, I realized they are not mutually exclusive.  And that basically I am an idiot.

I may have mentioned here that I am terribly judgemental.  If not...I am terrible judgemental.  And this unattractive trait is what has stood in the way of maintaining a 10 year old friendship. Knowing when I am wrong and working to recticfy the damage done does help, but only so much.

So I reached out to an old friend yesterday.  It went painfully sideways though.  I sent her a text saying essentially: I see from your notes on Facebook that you are happy and in love and I am so happy for you.  Miss you.  Turns out, I didn't do my due diligence and sent the text to her ex-husband.  Crap.  Nothing like having your ex' happiness rubbed in your face for a good time.  Let us just say that he wasn't amused with my little mix up.

But her response, when I let her know how I messed up, was funny and understanding.  More importantly, it opened the doors for me to be honest as to why I have been MIA from the friendship for the past couple of years.  And I expressed how I hoped we could essentially start from scratch and get to know each other again. (wow, I really sounded like an over-emotional girl there.  But I am one, so whatever).

I don't know what her response will be.  It could go in any direction.  But I hope that we can rebuild.

As I continue to write, I learn more about myself.  The great and the ugly.  And I learned I am not OK with throwing a friendship away.  And as I come up to my 28th birthday in a couple of weeks, I know that I am content with who I am, but will be even happier when I can be the person I know I can be.

Tuesday, August 24

Mentally Hilarious

She is not mentally deformed, instead she is mentally hilarious.  So hilarious in fact, she may end up as new moccasins or a rug one day (thanks Lani for the line).  These were taken in one very brief moment of repose.