Maybe we don't know each other well enough yet, maybe this might turn you away from our budding friendship. But I am pledging my love to the sucky-inny-thing. That nude body wrap that sucks in all and makes ladies like myself just slightly less rolly polly.
I love them so much I haven't worn much else for 3 years - much to my husband's dismay.
I once read a line in a fluffy novel about how putting one on made the lead lumpy heroine feel like a "slug in straw". My bff and I laughed and laughed as we knew that feeling. I have shoved myself into said straw everyday for the last 3 years that I now feel oddly free and loose if I don't have one on.

For you men who happened upon this post accidentally, I apologize.
And for the women who don't have extra layers they need to strap in, let me let know know what we larger ladies do to feel a little more streamlined in our clothes. It is like trying to squeeze into a wet suit pair of panties that go right up and over your extra tummy bits and right up under your boobs. And it is is not even a colour. But things are snug and I know I stand a little taller for being a little less wide.
I love these things, I have maybe 8 or 9 different pairs and styles. The hubby, I am sure, can't stand them, it makes it difficult to get to the fun parts for him, but I wouldn't trade them in for anything.
Who needs sexy panties, when I can have a nude tube of cloth sucking me in? And besides, I can always have sexy shoes!
oh how i love my well as the cheaper versions. the only problem is, for me at least, the puff of puff that shows itself around the leg band and can be seen through pants. that's doesn't make me feel smooth and svelt. more like...large curd cottage cheese. despite shoes that scream otherwise.