Monday, August 9

*KNOCK KNOCK* ... Is this thing on?

Ok, so it has been a while.  I was taking quiet, self-reflective time to meditate and seek out my authentic voice. 


If that makes you respect me more in the morning, then you can believe that.

Really, I was just busy.  Busy with work; busy with sweeping twice a day due to a shedding dog and busy with the summer line up of trashy TV.  I had many great intentions to post some off-beat thoughts and musings combined with poor quality point and shoot photos, but that really didn't pan out now did it?

But I love and missed all 12 people who have ever accidentally linked into my blog.  Especially you, you crazy IP address from Russia.

So the plan is to not make a plan.  I will write when I have the urge and the time.  Because with this here blog, I am not seeking to be a Somebody, I am ok with just being just one of a gazillion nobody bloggers.  Although I do get a kick out of the many bloggers who think and write as if they are capital "S" Somebodies in the social media world.  I love observing self delusion.  I prefer the somebodies (small "S") who have so much to celebrate in their nobody worlds.  But whether you are a nobody, a somebody or a Somebody, I will read all of your archived posts way back to 2002, I can't help it.  I must consume. But I will judge you while I read.

But what goes around, comes around.  You can feel free to judge me.  In fact, judge me based on the content or the fact that I made the error of cutting my own bangs this morning.  It is never a good scene when I cut my own hair.

So I have to head out now.  You are cutting into the premier of The Bachelor Pad.  Seriously.

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