Tuesday, August 10

Seeking the positive

So I would be lying through my teeth if I said that I don't like the sound of my own voice. I am a talker, a sharer, a look-at-me-I-did-something-good-please-praise-me kind of person.

I am however, really trying to keep my share-everything-with-the-world moments on a positive note.  I have been noticing as of late that there are people who just aren't happy, are really miserable and want to share their complaints point by point with the world.  I don't want to be part of that club. 

This is a new experiment for me.  I have always referenced myself as a complainer, but that isn't who I want to be.  I get too aggravated by those who take the time to post long complaints on Facebook or their blogs. 

Shall I be more specific?  This might piss some folks off but, here we go: 

My mom has been battling breast cancer in her lungs with 2 years straight of chemo- that is tough shit to handle and she handles it with a great amount of positive energy.  Yet there are folks in my life that complain about everything. I want to shake them and say, "Your like is not that hard, suck it up.  You have a job, or you have your health, or you are able to have a family.  Enjoy it!"  No one wants to be constantly bombarded by the negative energy of a bunch of Eeyores .

I am not discounting that everyone has struggles and need to reach out for support from those around them.  But if you are complaining in every post, in every conversation, people are going to have enough and want to distance themselves.

So after recognizing that there are bits of that in me, I said, "Enough of that."  And so my first step was to keep my Facebook postings on a light and generally happy note.  That has been a relatively easy task.  Next step - stop complaining about everything else in my day to day conversations.  Weening myself off the negative.

I have a long way to go, lets not kid ourselves.  But it took until now for me to realize that if I can't stand complainers, people must really not like when I whinge and whine about work or my commute or about all of the other complainers that annoy the snot out of me.

First step - be positive.  Second step - stop talking about myself so much.  Bah, then what will I have to talk about?


  1. Good post Shannon... my New Years resolution this year was to be a more happy and positive person, at least outwardly :o)

  2. The eternal conundrum! I also strive to be a grateful and happy person - I like myself best when I am, but I have to say I feel my writing is sharper and funnier when I'm bitching or whingeing. Otherwise you sound a little too new agey, or zen, and nobody likes those people either.
